Dawg Dollars Refund Request Form Name First Name Last Name netID Email Fill out for a copy of your submission MSU ID Last date of attendance at MSU Reason for withdrawal Notes: Processing refund requests due to withdrawal will begin after the last day to add/drop of the following semester so that non-enrollment may be verified. Refunds usually take 10-14 days to process. Refunds must be requested by the end of the second regular semester (Spring, Summer, Fall) following withdrawal. At the end of the second semester after withdrawal, all remaining funds are forfeited. Refunds for withdrawals include a $20 processing fee; the remaining balance will be refunded after any student account balances are satisfied. Please be sure that your direct deposit information and your address are updated in the MSU Banner system. I verify that I have withdrawn from Mississippi State University, and I do not intend to return. Signature Date Leave this field blank